Library Catalogue


Sunday, 4 November 2012

October Meeting Minutes

WE now have an up to date Membership List. Please let us know if you don't want your address and or email or phone number shared & we can remove them.

The pictures from the Retreat are on the Blog:

The October Workshop is on for October 27th. We have only 7 signed up but we break even at that rate.

Here are the Minutes:
 Town & Country Quilters Guild Minutes October 10 2012
Present:  23  present. Guests: Leah Mintis  & Joyce Oikle. The Registrar was home sick, so they couldn’t join.
Minutes : It was Linda Nette not Debbie Boutilier who was here. Amendment to the minutes was moved by Debbie Vermeulen,  seconded by Kate Madeloso.  Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance: 5920.19 Moved by Elizabeth Biggs that the report be accepted as submitted,  seconded by Kate Madeloso.  Approved.  We need to renew Mayflower for $30.00. Quilters Connection is due for renewal at a cost of $33.44. People expressed an interest.  We actually renewed Quilters Connection for two years at $57.44.
Susan Paddock went to a sale in Auburn where books were $5.00 each. She offered some to Ruth Butler who bought 4 for $20.00. Ruth also was at Atlantic Fabrics where there was a really good sale on lace. She bought $37.00 worth of lace for Debbie MacDonald’s project making dresses for newborns who die.  Ruth offered to pay half and asked for half from Guild. Vanessa Austin moved that all of it be paid back. Seconded by Pat Davies.     Moved by Kate Madeloso that all the above be paid. Debbie Vermeulen seconded.  Approved.  Vanessa Austin reported that she bought the ironing board but did not claim for it as she didn't have the
eceipt with her. Ruth Butler told new members that we have Guild pins available from Elizabeth Biggs for $5.00. Elizabeth Biggs gave Ruth Butler a cheque.
Correspondence & News: DVD from CQA of the juried show arrived.
Committee Reports
            Registrar:  Carol Kennedy sent her regrets as she was ill.
            Library: Ruth Butler had some new books – some from Angela MacDonald. Creative Pattern Book, Creative Patchwork, America’s Best Quilting Projects,  Quilters Handbook, Quilting with Bits & Pieces  Mary Page from Auburn sold us Batik Gems,  Quilters Favourites,  Colour Magic for Quilters, All Quilt Blocks are Not Square.
            Program & Workshops:  Marie Armstrong announced there are still spaces for the One Block Wonder workshop on October 27th.  Only 7 have paid, but we will go ahead with it. Ruth Butler announced that you can buy the appropriate triangle template for the One Block Wonder from King Butler for $5.00. You don’t need it but it is very useful for the pattern. Corinne Russell showed her template.  
Last Saturday in November Workshop. This is generally the Charity workshop.   Janet Trites had previously volunteered to teach us how to make adult bibs. Placemats seem to have run out of steam.  Pillowcases for IWK were also suggested.  Janet will be approached to us know how much fabric we need for bibs.
Ruth Butler explained what a Challenge Quilt is. In recent years there is no official competition and no prizes,  just the fun of the challenge. Can you use white in the one colour challenge? Answer: only if your main colour is in it.  You do not need to have 50 shades of the same colour. This is known as a monochromatic quilt.
Vanessa Austin asked if anyone would be interested in an exchange/swap for the monochromatic quilt. Vanessa really wants to have 50 shades. Vanessa  set up a sign up sheet.  Many people signed up with or without their colours. The exchange will take place at the  Christmas meeting. A system will be designed to make sure that the exchange is fair.    Linda Fanning suggested that the quilt would be a good chance to try fabric dyeing.  Apparently you want to be able to do your dyeing outdoors, because it is very messy.
            Retreat: We have fewer participants than we had hoped for - 21 instead of 25. Trunk Show is Friday night at 7:30.  There was a basket at the door made up by Corinne Russell – A Quilter’s Survival Kit – tickets were for sale at the meeting as well as at the Retreat. Tickets are $2.00 each of 3 for $5.00. The value of the basket is $55.00.  You are welcome to bring you sewing room chair to the retreat. Parking is at the back of the Berwick Fire Station & the entrance is also there. Saturday start time is 9 AM, supper at 5 PM, Auction is at 7:30, sew until Janet Trites wants to go home.  There will be risers under some tables to make them higher for cutting.  
            Dates: October Workshop (One Block Wonder) is October 27th,  start time is 9 AM.
New Business: Debbie MacDonald asked if anyone had an idea for how to store foot-long pieces of ribbon, because she has many. Several people suggested wrapping them around toilet paper rolls. Ginny Evans suggested that she use metal shower curtain hooks & thread multiple pieces on each one.  Debbie reported that  Susan Paddock gave Debbie  some fabric and lace.  Guild presented Debbie MacDonald with a bag of laces, ribbons, and fabrics and she was very pleased to receive them. 
Sharon Manzer thanked everyone who came to workshop and the Dessert Party – close to 100 came to the Dessert Party. Marg Sawler’s show was wonderful.
The Berwick Monday workshop is going well and growing.
Quilt Challenge for 2013 Centreville Quilt and Rug Hooking Show is Grandma’s Cup  &Saucer. Minimum of 18 inches, minimum of 900 square inches and no maximum .  
Show & Tell:   Sharon Manzer showed a brown table runner. She told about the queen sized quilt she made for a wedding where her son was best man. Jackie Trimper brought a heron wall hanging.  Ginny Evans brought “small work” and a fusible collage with wonky borders.  Corinne Russell showed   a quilt she made for her aunt who has a phobia about Moose –a moose looking in a window from a pattern she got at Avonport Discount.   Ann Steadman had given away the two table topers she has made since she broke her hand. Elizabeth Biggs is trying to move all her fabric to one room.  Marg Sawler showed a bag made by someone else. Appliqued with flowers.  Helen Archibald showed a “Log Cabin with Attitude” from a book she won at Oak Island Retreat.
Ruth Butler showed us how to make a thimble holder. About 10 people stayed to do the project and all had fun!

The Singer Sewing Machine Manual 1949--too funny!

One Block Wonder Workshop

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Trunk Show Friday Oct 12 at 7:30 at Berwick Fire Hall

The trunk show is open to the public so bring a friend!  

There are still a couple of spaces left in our retreat, so if you have a friend who is on the fence about coming, let them know we'd love to have them join us! They should contact me as soon as possible as we need to finalize the catering arrangements . Please pass along this email to them and have them contact me via email or by phone at  542-3415.

Be sure to visit our instructor Jane MADDIN's website . If you need the instructor's list of supplies and directions emailed, please let me know.

A couple of things to remember;

Registration and Set up starts at 1 pm- Friday Oct 12, class participants should bring a project to work on for Friday( or the homework in advance of the class). Class starts at 9 on Saturday.

Parking and the entrance is at the REAR of the Berwick Fire Hall, if you are west bound ,take Exit 15 off the 101 Hwy and the Firehall is on the left  after you take a left turn on the end of the ramp.

Feel free to bring your own chair from your sewing room, but the chairs at the fire hall are quite comfortable. WE will have irons and boards for sharing, but if you want your own , it may b ea good idea to bring a power bar or extension cord.

In case of wet weather , inside footwear is a good idea.

Jane's Trunk Show will be on Friday evening, and on Saturday evening we will host our Live Auction. If you are able to contribute items for the auction please bring them to the Guild meeting prior to the Retreat , or on Friday evening. We encourage you to consider bringing along samples of your preserving and baking efforts for the auction, any items of interest to quilters, or keeping in mind our theme, any items you feel will enhance our experience as we RELAX,, RE-CREATE, RENEW, REJUVENATE!!!

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Dates:  Fri, Oct 12-Sun Oct 14
Berwick Fire Hall
Berwick, Nova Scotia

If you were there last year, we know you want to come back. If you weren't there, where were you?? It's FALL FABRIC FROLIC 2!
Our theme this year is "Renew, Recreate and Rejuvenate".  Join us as we spend a relaxing weekend quilting, enjoying fine food and socializing in great company.  We'll celebrate our resourcefulness as quilters to re-create, recycle and renew using the materials and fabrics we have.  Come prepared to be inspired and pampered as you take a class from Teacher Jane Madden, or work on your own project in a bright and spacious setting.  We have many surprises and fun challenges in store as we think about how we can make the most of what we have in our stash. . . .

Teacher:   Jane Madden, Truro.
Project:  A practical and beautiful Quilters' tote---your choice of 3 sizes. We'll be the trendiest BAG LADIES in town!
You will need to bring your own machine and a basic sewing supply kit. The teacher's supply list will be emailed or mailed to you in September if you are registering for the class. Pre-cutting of some fabrics and advance preparation will be required.
You may choose not to take the class- we have the UFO challenge room for those who just want an uninterrupted weekend of sewing in the company of other quilters to get that latest project done.  We will also have some mystery challenge projects for optional participation.

Food for Thought
Meals and snacks are being provided by Meadowbrook Meat Market again this year.  Back by popular demand, Margie and her team will wow you with their delicious selections of healthy snacks, mouth watering treats and of course, treat you to at least one meal featuring locally famous "Jimmy Lamb Ham".

Evening Entertainment will include a Silent Auction, a Show of Work by Guild members and a Trunk show by our teacher for the class, Jane Madden.

Registration minimum is 20, maximum is 30 participants.  Guild members are given first priority, early registration is advised!  All paid registrations received by June 15 will be eligible for early bird draws.

Complete the Registration form and send it to
 PO Box 96
Port Williams,NS
B0P 1T0
Phone 902-542-3415



Email:  __________________

Special Dietary restrictions____________________________________________

Class____     On my own______

Guild Members:
Full Weekend  $170    ________

Saturday only     $85________

Non Guild Members:
Full Weekend   $190______

Saturday only  $105________

Cost includes all meals, snacks, inclusion in door prize draws and free attendance at Saturday's evening show. Bed and Breakfast accommodations are available locally, please call for details.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Minutes from May Meeting

Town & Country Quilt Guild Meeting

May 9th 2012
7:05 PM
Regular monthly meeting was called to order by Vice President Janet Trites who explained about our cobbled together executive. Regrets were sent by: Ruth & Helen, due to health Sharon & Ann on duty Centreville Quilt show. Janet welcomed all and our guests Joyce O, Beverly G, and Kate  Madeloso.
It was moved by Dawna seconded by Kim that the Minutes of the last meeting be approved as circulated minutes. Passed
1)      The adoption of the Treasures report of "bank balance of working funds $773.63 after bills are paid and committee fund balances are recorded," was moved by Elizabeth and seconded by Vanessa.  
2)      Correspondence:  IWK Health Center - Parker Reception Room - Quilt Fair & Sale May 30th -June 1st 9:30 am to 5 pm Admission $3.00. A Joint project of the Mayflower Quilters' Guild of NS, Mayflower Chapter Members and the IWK Auxiliary.
3)      Committee reports
i)        Registrar Carol reported 18 present.
ii)      Library no report.
iii)    Program & Workshop- Marie announced no workshops for June. Janet said the Jelly Roll Race workshop lead by Jan W was a success; we all had a great time. More pictures will be posted on the blog site. <>
iv)    Retreat Oct 19th 2012_ Vanessa reported they have pamphlet printed for the Fall Fabric Frolics retreat, there is space for 30 attendees max. The workshop leader is Jane Madder of Truro
4)      Open issues
Quilt Canada: Janet hoped everyone is going. Delegates from our Chapter are Debbie, Donna, Lynda, Ruth & Ruth.
Centreville Quilt show is this week May 11th and 12th. There will be a display of resent challenge and project pieces for the T&CQG's tenth Anniversary; Barb and Ruth asked for volunteers to help setup and man the display a signup sheet was passed around. Barb has taken 2012 Fall Fabric Frolics broachers for handouts at the display. Thank you to those who are setting up and manning the display.
IWK quilts collection TBA.
5)      New business
·         Program: Marie announced: IMP
(a)     it is a POT LUCK June 13th at 6:00 at Year-end Closing. Please bring "a dish," as well as your dishes/a cup and cutlery
(b)   Guest Phyllis Peters from Brooklyn with her apron collection.
(c)    Everyone is to wear an apron to the potluck
(d)   Bring the project you made from the strip exchange for show and tell
·         Yearend: IMP
Added (Reminder All Reports due for Annual meeting Wednesday June 13th 2012. Please make or send the secretary a copy of your report)
Executive to be confirmed.

6)      Announcements:
·         Sign up early for the T&CQG 2012 Fall Fabric Frolics Oct 19-21st in Berwick.
·         Centreville Desert party is Thursday June 14th 7 PM Centreville Baptist Church, Guest Dianne Shink. Tickets $10.00
Anne of Green Gables: The Musical runs May 18 to 20 at the Festival Theatre, Wolfville. Presented by the St Joseph's Stage Prophets, show time is 7 p.m., with 2 p.m. matinees May 19 and 20. Tickets: $15. Our Vanessa has been busy doing costumes for this production.

Fay moved we Adjourn.
The Trunk Show by Kate  Madeloso was an interesting presentation in her development as a fabric artist with extensive examples of her work; Wall hangings, rugs etc.  She showed us the wonders of embellishment and how you can change dull materials to something unique using composites of material, coaching, paint, and heat Kate has traveled from Western Canada, the Middle East, and many points in between and is now living in Nova Scotia and continues to studying her expand her craft.  If you missed this presentation watch for Kate's next presentation or work shop. Barb, Marg, and Heather won examples of her work.
Show and Tell: Ginny showed some examples of making your own fabric prints; see <> for more info.
Respectfully submitted,
Marj Taylor
secretary (temp)

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Jelly Roll Races Workshop

What a great time we had. Here are some photos.The first quilt was finished in 55 minutes.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

April Meeting Minutes

Town & Country Quilters Guild Minutes April 11th 2012
Town & Country Quilters Guild Blog:
Welcome at 19:09. Nancy G was a guest.
Minutes No one mentioned any mistakes. Moved by Kim L, seconded by Rosemary  that the minutes be accepted as circulated.
Treasurer’s Report  Auction $346. Income $652. Balance $2265.33 minus $196 for the Dessert Party. Moved by Elizabeth B, seconded by Vanessa  that the report be accepted as read.
Correspondence & News Quilt Canada wanted to know if we wanted to put a Raffle Quilt in the show. We would need to man the booth which costs $75.
There are spaces in Muriel’s bus trip to Quilt Canada.  Call her at 902-798-3589 or 902-790-2029 or email if you would like to go.
The CQA website has coupons for the Merchants Mall at Quilt Canada.  Some of the coupons are for use at an actual store (such as Avonport Discount) and others are for use at the Merchant Mall.
Committee Reports
            Registrar Carol had the membership cards laminated.  Bill to Elizabeth. 
            Library 2 news books $23.08, A Passion for Pieces, Stash with Splash. Magazines: new Quilters Connection and Faye Brown donated Quilters Newsletter magazine featuring Laurie Swim, and a Quiltmaker.
            Program & Workshops Marie  A sent  sign up sheet  round for Jelly Roll Race on April 28th. Marie asked if we could give Jan W $50 for prizes.  Moved by Marjorie T that the teacher have $50.00 for prizes, seconded by Marie.   Passed.   There is room for two more participants. Cost is $20 for members, $40 for non members.  Workshop starts at 9am.  Bring 42 strips cut 2 ½ wide – coordinating not matching.  Complete supply list is on our blog and Helen A also sent it out last week.  Janet T said that Avonport has some jelly rolls at a good price. 
            Retreat Oct 19   Vanessa  reported that the retreat Theme is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renew, Rejoice, Rejuvenate,   The retreat will be approximately  $170m for members, $20 more for non members. This includes  Friday supper, Saturday lunch, Saturday supper, Sunday lunch and snacks.   Guest Quilter will be Jane Maddin from Truro with a bag with a chop suey block on each side. You could do another project with the Chop Suey blocks if you don't want to make a bag. She will also do a trunk show on Friday night. Her website is:
 Old minutes  
I am searching for the minutes of guild meetings in 2002, 2003, and Feb., March, Apr.,May, Sept., Oct of 2004.
Anyone who knows where they are please let me know (Ruth Butler 542-5805).

Barb L reminded us that Marg S donated a mystery quilt that she didn’t want to finish. Kim finished it & donated it to the Salvation Army in Kentville.

New Business: The Quilters Guild  Blog that Janet  made  has had 172  hits. Directions for The strip race workshop with Jan Weedon are there. There is a link to Mahone Bay Quilt Guild, & they have a link to ours. Janet wants an electronic version of our logo.   Check it out at
Centreville Quilt Show: Ann S  and Sharon M reported that Quilts need to be in on the 9th of May. Old quilts are welcome too. Quilts for sale: 10% goes to church. Quilts from Guild will be registered the same as others. 6 merchants are expected all Quilting and Rug Hooking Related.
10th Anniversary of Quilt Guild – We will be having a separate display room at the Centreville Quilt Show.  If you have a guild challenge quilt, a mystery quilt, block of the month, IWK, or workshop quilts from any time during the past ten years please bring them to Centreville for display.  If you know any former members, please ask them to bring in their quilts as well.
IWK quilts are due in May. 
Adjournment Moved by Elizabeth B at 19:49
 Show & Tell
Janet T:  Sampler quilt made with Kansas Troubles fabric and hand  quilted by a lady who is 88.
Elizabeth B Teddy bear blocks on baby quilt; IWK quilt,  strip pieced, quilt as you go.
Corinne R Table mat and bag from Oak Island Retreat, Give and Take Appliqué from workshop with Faye Brown. IWK quilt with sports fabrics.
Heather M – Bag from Oak Island retreat
Dawna D- One block wonder, fromappropriate fabric with just a few strong colours as opposed to the previous piece which did not have enough contrast. This was a follow up to one Dawna showed which didn’t work out well;   Give & take appliqué, made into table topper with no sashing.
Jackie  brought a quilt made with her own hand dyed fabric. She also showed her quilt from the class she took with Jane Sassman at the Pictou retreat, and a Green, gold and cream Star quilt, quilted by Debbie V. She also had several Art quilting exercise pieces, each about 8 by 10, from a book is called "Art and Quilt " by Lyric Kinard.

Marie A made a baby quilt for her niece in Singapore – a peek a boo quilt.
Carol K showed the jacket she had made.
Thelma M showed her give & take appliqué in purples and pinks.
Rosemary F  had photos of a church quilt  from Ontario
Linda F had a blue and green French Braid table runner called “What was I thinking” from "French Braid Obsession", and a Disappearing 9 Patch in pastels.
Helen A 4 patch posy top and flannel IWK quilt
Ruth B had a red and yellow quilt from pieces that had been cut out by hand several years ago, and pastel flannel IWK quilt.
Presentation by Janet T on  computer technology and quilting.  She showed us one of her favorite web sites: and demonstrated some of the many features of Electric Quilt 7.  She offered to bring it to a workshop day if there is anyone who would like to try it out.
Note to those attending the Mahone Bay Dessert Party:  it will be held at the Trinity United Church Hall. April 18.