Library Catalogue


Monday, 17 November 2014

November Minutes

Town & Country Quilters Guild Minutes November 12th 2014
Welcome at 19:00 - three new members, Amber, Laurie-, Ann. 31 attendees.  Laurie-Ann & Amber were here last month & came back!
Apologies for the late notice.
Each attendee was asked what her favourite charity was (for donating quilts).
Ruth  IWK & Pins & Needles
Ginny - placemats for Meals on Wheels
May Lou - never done charity quilts
Debbie - IWK, placemats
Kim - Time for All things - Somerset School, an Auburn family
Ann - Sunrise Quilters in Tatamagouche - burned out families
Faye - meals on wheels, IWK, (Faye has also donated lots of fabric for charity quilts)
Rosemary  - Quilts of Valour, IWK
Vanessa - kids she knows about, IWK, wants to do a Q of Valour
Corrine - IWK, placemats, bibs,
Heather - Pins & Needles, Placemats, bibs, IWK, breast cancer pillows
Amber - wants to start
Laurie Ann -  knitted hats
Marie - placemats,
Eleanor - paints memory boxes
Dawna - placemats, Q of V, Habitat for Humanity, IWK
Kate - placemats, wants to do Q of V
Dale - wants to do lap quilts for Alzheimer’s patients
Cathy - Transitional Housing in Kentville,
Ruth - Pins & needles - Comfort Quilts, IWK, hospital gift shop, Q of V,  18 quilts going to IWK tomorrow
Ann - Montreal Shriners hospital, Q of V, Kentville refuge
Janet -Q of V,  IWK, breast cancer people she knows, school kids in trauma, bibs, wheel chair quilts, pillowcases for Chrysallis House, 
Sharon - Pins & Needles comfort quilts, Q of V with Fundy Quilters & Pins & Needles, bibs,
Ann - ditto to Sharon, one for a girl in Gaspereau
Joanne - Pins & Needles Comfort Quilts
Marg - placemats, Q of V here
Esther - bibs, Q of V, Pins & Needles, Grand View Manor
Shelley - quilts in Pikes Peak Colorado, bears for transition house in Halifax,
Linda - bib project, wants to make fiddle quilts for Alzheimer's Society
Fiddle Quilts - different textures, things to touch & find.

Show & Tell -
Joanne - 2 tree shirts made from width of fabric strips,
Ann - Quilt top - layer cake  
Ruth - Christmas blocks from years ago, Strip quilt, quilt as you go, flannelette scraps, quilt as you go, 6 hour quilt, quilt as you go
Cathy - Christmas tree skirts, woven fabric tree skirt
Kate wall hangings - garden she made for her mother
Laurie-Ann baby quilt, started years ago.
Amber - apron she made for her mother with fabric from Frenchies
Rosemary Fox-DeAdder mug rugs quilt as you go, crazy quilt from last year workshop hand quilted
Faye - pot holder from retreat, challenge Creative Hands placemat, cubism pattern from McCalls 2010. hand quilted, stars in top, fish in bottom.
Ginny - ufo from Berwick Retreat -
Ruth - quilted by Corrine - Sunday Morning Quilts Improv Quilting
Helen 6 hour quilt as you go..
Corrine brought a number of purses to show.
Linda told us about Harmonic Convergence  & Crazy Quilts with Embellishment  at the Fibre Arts Festival  in Amherst.  
Items of Business:
Minutes: Brenda's name is Hulan. Kate organized the display, not Linda. Kate would like feedback and suggestions for places to display it.
Treasurer's Report: Balance - $3926.41
Vanessa has some bills from Retreat.
It was suggested that money could be used for fabric for charity quilts. Some fabric has been donated.  Ruth has it.
 Do we want to sponsor a prize for Quilt Canada in Lethbridge? Golden Thimble is $2000, Silver Thimble $1000, Bronze $500.00. You can also donate less. March 31st 2015 is the deadline.  $200 was donated last time.  Decision tabled until next meeting.
 Lollygagging to Lethbridge - measure your perimeters and put them in the sign up book.
Quilt Canada June 4th to 6th in Lethbridge. There is a travelling show of quilts by award winners.
Best Friends Forever is the challenge theme.
An award for people who have made a significant contribution to quilting.

Avonport Scholarship award for a young quilter. 2015 Pictou Lodge Retreat. It covers the expenses while there - you have to be born between 1975 & 1996.
Mayflower Associate Membership - We need to send $35.00 and our membership list. Ruth agreed to be the contact person.  Vanessa moved that we renew our membership, Rosemary seconded. Passed.
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild Nov 28th workshop, Sylvia Nailer had some spaces.
Ruth and 3 others went to Paradise Quilters Tea.
Ruth - Library Report: 4 new books, Simply Stunning Woven Quilts, Exploring Textile Arts, Felt With Love, Animal Parade. Bill is $58.78. Kate Madeloso asked if there was a list of the books. Ruth is working on one.
Town & Country Quilt Guild in New Zealand link is on our blog.
Eleanor told us that the quilting group at her church has closed & the material has been donated to Woodville Baptist Church. They are looking for tops to hand quilt. Contact Joan Sandford 902- 538-3520.
Vanessa asked what the plan is for the December 10th meeting.  6 PM.  Pot Luck. Bring your own cutlery, plates. etc. Bring something for the Refuge in Kentville. Personal care items. Males & females.
Panier des Arts Retreat - dice with left, right, centre. Esther has the dice. If you want to play bring 3 fat quarters. Faye or Janet will run the game.
Program Committee:
January is community quilts workshop
January meeting Ann & Leah will share some things.
Corrine is doing the workshop on November 29th. The signup sheet was passed around. 9 Am for 9:30. 

Joanne - Round Robin:  Groups of 5. Each person gets the rules & a book to add to the quilt. It is kept anonymous. You can define what colours go in it and what size. Each quilt comes in in a white pillowcase. At the next meeting you bring in your quilt in a white pillowcase & take home a different one.  You need to be around each month to participate.   
Faye - brought some new notions and demonstrated them.  
Bone Ash to clean your iron. There are 10 sheets in a package. it is called Iron Clean
InvisiGrip - clear plastic to put on your ruler so it doesn't slip. It also protects the numbers.
Self-threading needles - great for getting the tails in in machine quilting.
Pill container - for sorting and storing needles
Little Genie Magic bobbin washer - teflon washer for your bobbin. Ypu put it under your bobbin in the bobbin case.
Fonz & Porter Stiletto: 3 sided so it doesn't roll away.
Cutting Gizmo - for cutting apart speed quilting
3-way board - sandpaper, smooth side, flannel for marking, layout, etc.
Rotating cutting board
Perfect Patchwork Templates - precision cutting with the corners cut off
Point to point turner
Hold It precision stiletto
Seam fix - seam ripper - with an eraser that wipes off the threads.
Ultimate seam ripper - a small rotary cutter.
Masking tape to record the settings on your machine - which stitches, etc.
Make up brush from Dollar Store - for removing fibre from machine.
A pin cushion on a finger - Faye brought a pattern for everyone.

October Minutes 2015

Town and Country Quilters’ Guild
Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2014
Present: 29 members
President Linda L welcomed all members and led a discussion about our favourite resources for inspiration and improving our quilting skills. We responded with: the Guild, old magazines inherited from family, other quilters, fabric, a sewing room, books such as All about Quilting A to Z, The Art of Classic Quiltmaking, The Quilting Bible, The Ultimate Quilters’ Guide, Quilting Arts magazine, Quilters’ Connection, a Quilting Journal, The Fibre Arts Group, the Pins and Needles group, Quilt shows, Workshops, Nature, and on-line: Just us Quilters, the Missouri Star Quilt Company, Pinterest, Leah Day .com., Town and Country Quilters’
Show and Tell:
·         Marie a 10 year old UFO, stained glass quilt in red/beige
·         Elizabeth – queen purple tulips, a wedding present, 3 years in making
·         Heather– a Debbie Mumm purse from Retreat
·         Sharon - wedding present Lover’s knot
·         Brenda – a UFO stacking blocks for Quilts of Valour
·         Janet– fat quarters pattern of cats
·         Helen -  placemats and trivets from Retreat
·         Jackie– UFO wall hanging with life sized ornamental  grass
·         Ruth– a homey wall hanging, a baby quilt, and a graphic square

Business Meeting:
Treasurer’s Report: Elizabeth reported a Balance of $4226.65, and moved her report be adopted; seconded by Ruth Butler. Motion carried.
·         10 Minute Blocks, 1 and 2, by Suzanne McNeill
·         Quick Strip Paper Piecing by Peggy Martin
·         Essential Guide to Modern Quiltmaking by Suzanne Woods
·         Quilters’ Connection with article about Karen Neary. *Moved by Janet and seconded by Marj to renew our subscription for another 2 years. Motion carried.

Marie reported the Retreat was a success. Discussion ensued re whether to have a Retreat every year, or maintain the same format, that is, every 2 years with a noted teacher, in the fall, in Berwick, and being catered. The group chose the latter. The organizing group will change, with the assurance that the process has been well documented to assist the incoming group for a smooth transition.
Cathy outlined a Program Plan for the year, with ideas from the membership to be incorporated:
·         Quilt as you go Workshop, with Ruth will be held on Saturday October 25th, starting at 9AM, $20, and will include ideas for a 6 hour quilt, log cabin, small mug rugs, potholders or placemats.
·         November’s workshop will be with Corrine, making a purse, with supply list posted by Corrine.
·         January will be for Charity quilts and February or March, embellishments with Kate.
Linda was able to secure an exhibit of beautiful Quilting Art pieces by SAQA membersfor this evening’s meeting.  Information re this group is on line.
Note: from the Mahone Bay Newsletter, a website,, has additional free patterns, one being “Bloomin Quilt as you Go”.
New Business:
Linda pointed out we are without insurance coverage, and CQA is offering an insurance package for Quilt groups, with an annual premium of $130. This will cover loss, personal liability, for workshops, meetings, bookings, and covers the Guild in alternate locations. It was moved by Helen and seconded by Esther that we proceed with procuring the Insurance Package offered by CQA. Motion carried.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday November 12th at 7PM.
Recorded by Barbara

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events 2014
·         16th – Glorious Colour by Kaffe Fasset at St. Mary’s University 7PM
·         28, 29, 30, 31, August 1st – Quilt show – Saulnierville Parish Church – 9650 Route 1, Saulnierville
Admission - $5 Open 10- 8PM first four days, and 10 – 4PM on August 1st
·         Quilt Show - Northumberland Guild Saturday August 2nd and Sunday August 3rd @ DeCoste Entertainment Centre, 99 Water Street, Pictou; 10 -5 Pm both days.
·         Fundy tide Quilters 1st Annual sale August 7-8-9, during Digby Scallop Days at the Baptist Church. Open 10 -6PM  on 7 & 8, 10 – 3PM on Aug 9th

·         10th – 1st guild meeting of season at 7PM @ Port Williams Fire Hall
·         26 – 28th – Retreat at Berwick Fire Hall; Karen Henry featured  instructor; $170 for 3 days; Friday night Trunk Show
·         Quilt Show –  26th – 10 -7PM, 27th – 10 – 5PM - The Highland Quilt Guild, 197 Main street,  Antigonish;  Admission $5
·         1st Annual Fibre Float- Sail on the Nova Star to Portland October 3 – Sunday October 5; for all those who love to hook, knit, crochet or any fibre thing. Contact

Presidents Report

President's Report Town and Country Quilters Guild 2013-2014 We have had a wonderful year with several new members, interesting programs, beautiful and inspiring Show and Tell quilts, great fellowship and delicious treats. We also did not have to cancel a single meeting in spite of a winter of seemingly endless Wednesday snowstorms! There were eight Saturday workshops, all had a good attendance. In September several members earned their own PhD pins ( projects (w)holly done) when we held a PhD (projects half done) workshop. In October Elaine Parsons led a crazy friendship quilt workshop where we all traded fabrics before beginning. November was a bring your own project day when people worked on charity quilts. In January we made 20 flannel adult bibs using flannel purchased with Guild funds at Avonport. Half went to the Wolfville Nursing Home and half went to the Valley Regional Hospital Gift Shop. Many hand made light work and we had time to work on our own projects when the bibs were finished. In February Ginny Evans and Jackie Trimper led a landscape quilt workshop showing the enthusiastic participants their own special techniques. Faye Brown demonstrated the Accuquilt Go cutter in March and several members brought their cutters so everyone would have a chance to cut with their favourite die. We were all amazed at how quickly we could cut out a quilt. Faye also shared many great tips such as always have both your presser foot and needle in the down position when you travel with your machine. In March we recognized International quilt Day by donating a beautiful quilt made by Marj Taylor to the VRH for the first baby born on that day, March 15. Jane Maddin's popular sashiko workshop had to be rescheduled to early April and everyone enjoyed a chance to slow down and do some traditional Japanese handwork. We had a "do your own thing" workshop on the last Saturday in April which was very well attended and we all shared tips and tricks. To make our workshops and Retreats easier we purchased a large cutting mat to be stored at the hall, Marlene Dufour from Pins and Needles kindly made two sets of risers for the cutting tables and Faye Brown donated two Rowenta irons for guild use. Members were able to participate in two Challenge projects this year: make a quilt using fabrics matched to paint chips colours that matched your initials plus a neutral and/or make a quilt using just solid fabrics. There were two $25 gift certificates from Avonport Discount given as prizes in June. I would like to thank everyone on the executive for another wonderful year. Barb Leith as our efficient and capable secretary, Elizabeth Biggs who has been doing an outstanding job as treasurer since the very beginning, Helen Archibald for keeping the membership up to date and promptly sending out dozens of notices, Elaine Parsons and Faye Brown for providing us with interesting programs and workshops, Janet Trites for serving as Vice President, maintaining our blog, making our name tags, and also serving on the Retreat Committee with Vanessa Austin, Helen Archibald and chair Marie Armstrong. Special thanks to Sharon Manzer and Ann Steadman who have provided us with scrumptious homemade treats, coffee, tea and cold drinks for the past three years and are now retiring. I have learned a lot in the past three years and have enjoyed the job as well as all the friendships I have made. I feel very confident that with Linda Lusby as president and Dawna DeAdder as Vice President our Guild will be in very good hands. Also joining the team are Kathy Berry and Ruth Peskett who will be working with Elaine Parsons and Faye Brown on the Program and Workshop Committee. Ruth Butler Library report 2013-2014 Town and Country Quilters This year I added twenty seven new books to the guild library and weeded out twenty outdated,non-circulating items. These were sold for a nominal amount at a workshop and the money put back into the library fund. We also have subscriptions to Quilters Connection, a Canadian quilting magazine, and Quilt Canada which comes as part of our membership in the Canadian Quilting Association. I have been cataloging all new books on an app called Book Crawler and also gradually adding all the older items. I had hoped to be able to share the catalogue with everyone but haven't quite figured it out yet. It works fine on my iPad but when I send it to Dropbox many items are missing and there are no pictures. I promise to keep working on it so you can check our holdings at home and see a photo of the covers of almost every book which is a big help since there is no way of keeping the actual books in traditional library order.

Minutes of June Meeting

Town and Country
Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2014
Present:  30 members
Treasurer’s Report: Elizabeth B. presented her report and budget for the upcoming year, and this will be forwarded to everyone via email. Report moved by Elizabeth for adoption and seconded by Dawna DeAdder. Motion carried.
Membership:  Helen A. reported the Guild having 34 members in the Fall, and with the inclusion of 15 new members throughout the year, we now have 49 members. Very good!
Library: Ruth B. presented several items from her President’s report including an update that 27 books have been added to the Library along with 2 subscriptions, and on order, is the book, Quick Strip Paper Piecing.
·         Retreat – Marie A. has requested we each fill a mason jar (spaghetti sauce size), with fabric for a Mystery swap at the retreat. In the event of any cancellations, there will be a waiting list should anyone wish to attend the retreat. Karen Henry, our featured presenter, will be designing something new for the workshop, and will let us know by August of the required materials.
·         Program for the evening:  Debbie V. gave an overview of her passion for dying fabrics and threads, providing many examples and gradations of colour. She derives great benefit from dying the fabrics which gives her the control over the development of her projects. Along with sharing her samples of different dyed fabrics, Debbie presented some of her most recent hangings using the fabrics and colours she has developed. Spectacular!
Debbie dyes cotton, sateen, silk, linen, rayon, poly/cottons, cheesecloth, batting, and “found” fabrics, utilizing some unusual mediums i.e. snow, and techniques i.e. discharging, resists, all for a very informative and fascinating demonstration of her talents. Debbie had lots of fabrics for sale and we had fun browsing and buying.
Old Business: Ruth B. picked up fabric from Alice Goodwin. Most of the fabric is from Suttles & Seawinds, and most will go to Pins & Needle, IWK quilts or some saved for auction at the Guild.
President’s Report: Ruth B. extended a warm thank-you to the Executive team and to Guild members for such an enjoyable experience over the past three years, and wished the new Executive every success. Ruth’s report will also be forwarded by email. And, as a post-note, Janet T. will now be doing the name tags for the Guild.
Nomination Committee Report: Committee Chair, Marj T., presented the nominations for the Executive positions due for renewal: President, Linda L., Vice-president, Dawna D.(1 year). The nominations for these two positions were widely applauded, as was the Nomination Committee Chair – Marjorie T. (in a forever position).
The following will remain in their positions for the next year: Registrar:  Helen A., Treasurer: Elizabeth B., Program: Elaine P., Kathy B., Ruth P., and Faye B., and Secretary: Barbara L..
Social Committee:  Sharon M. reported earnings of $100 from the sale of treats over the year. Thank you, Sharon.
New Business: Diane Banks of Fundy Tide Quilters announced they are having their first annual sale on August 7-8-9th during Digby Scallop Days at the Baptist Church
·         Deanne M. queried where she could get bags of raw sheep’s wool cleaned, carded and spun. Members recommended Marilyn Rand or Gaspereaux Fibres.
·         Dawna D. was approached by a person wanting to have a Rag quilt, 60x85 made in green/burgundy flannel for $200. Anyone interested, see Dawna.
Show and Tell:  including the paint chip and/or solid challenge
·         Ruth B. – paint chip table runner for daughter; solid baby quilt in turquoise and orange
·         Dawna D. – challenge from the Quilt show, “Down by the Bay”, three panels on a batik background
·         Elaine P. – Sashiko panel in navy with white stitching
·         Marie A. –solid challenge - child’s quilt with pinwheels and prairie points in the border
·         Eleanor G. – painting on a purse
·         Heather M.– free motion, 3 bottoms on the beach,  from W/S with Deb Plestid at White Point
·         Corrine R.– solid challenge lap quilt; small paper pieced mug rug and another mug rug from the UK as part of an exchange
·         Elizabeth B. – quilt top from Accu-quilt with Faye brown W/S; solid quilt for girl and one for boy; floating squares, 9 patch; a solid entry patches and squares; 2 more crazy patches
·         Dianne B. – using paint chips table runner, blue, brown, butternut; growth chart; 4patch posie stack and wack,
·         Linda F. - Japanese fan; floral basket with wool scraps; woven basket
·         Ruth P. – disappearing nine-patch , small sample for next year
·         Marg S. – Iris hanging
·         Marj T. – child’s quilt with panel of giraffe with greens and butterscotch
·         Janet T. – cats, with paw prints fabric , all embellished with “midlife crisis” machine
·         Helen A. – navy Sashiko hanging
All participants who entered either challenge cast their ballots for a $25 gift certificate for each challenge. Linda F. was one lucky entrant and Ruth B. was the other. Congratulations to all those who entered the Challenges showing we do have a wealth of creative energy in this Guild.
The meeting followed our closing potluck, which, as always, was a tremendous success. Our next meeting will be on September 10th, 2014, beginning a new season of quilting. On a special closing note, we need to recognize our departing President, Ruth B., for her contribution to the Guild over the past three years. Ruth has led with warmth and enthusiasm, for new members, new books, and new avenues for quilting, while maintaining connections with the wider world of quilting; and always with her engaging smile and good humour. We have a great deal to thank you for, Ruth, and we extend our thanks and very best wishes for all your future challenges, in quilting and in life.
Recorded by,
Barbara L.
To Do List for Next Year:
·         Develop a membership package/pamphlet to welcome and inform new members of the workings of the Guild and mentoring opportunities for new quilters
·         Review the structure of meetings to facilitate the sharing of inspirational quilting, innovative ideas and problem-solving approaches to quilting
·         Clarify the destination for our charity quilts i.e. IWK, VRH, or both

Library Report

Library report 2013-2014
Town and Country Quilters 

This year I added twenty seven new books to the guild library and weeded out twenty outdated,non-circulating items.  These were sold for a nominal amount at a workshop and the money put back into the library fund.  We also have subscriptions to Quilters Connection, a Canadian quilting magazine, and Quilt Canada which comes as part of our membership in the Canadian Quilting Association.
I have been cataloging all new books on an app called Book Crawler and also gradually adding all the older items.  I had hoped to be able to share the catalogue with everyone but haven't quite figured it out yet.  It works fine on my iPad but when I send it to Dropbox many items are missing and there are no pictures.  I promise to keep working on it so you can check our holdings at home and see a photo of the covers of almost every book which is a big help since there is no way of keeping the actual books in traditional library order.
Ruth Butler

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events 2014
·          11th  closing pot luck dinner @ 6PM; bring plate, cutlery, cup and special dish
·         Challenge presentation using paint chip colour use or solid colours
·         Debbie V., hand dyed fabrics for Show and Sell
·         14th   Quilters Yard Sale at South Berwick Community Centre -   10 until 2PM
·         16th – Glorious Colour by Kaffe Fasset at St. Mary’s University 7PM
·         Quilt Show - Northumberland Guild Saturday August 2nd and Sunday August 3rd @ DeCoste Entertainment Centre, 99 Water Street, Pictou; 10 -5 Pm both days.

·         10th – 1st guild meeting of season at 7PM @ Port Williams Fire Hall
·         26 – 28th – Retreat at Berwick Fire Hall; Karen Henry featured  instructor; $170 for 3 days; Friday night Trunk Show
·         Quilt Show –  26th – 10 -7PM, 27th – 10 – 5PM - The Highland Quilt Guild, 197 Main street,  Antigonish;  Admission $5

May Minutes

Town and Country Quilters’ Guild
Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2014
Present:  29 members
Guests: Sarah L.; has attended several W/S, and has now joined
Minutes of April 2014 – first month of being available on blog site; minutes accepted
Treasurer’s Report: Elizabeth B. will submit budget for 2014-15 at the June meeting. We are in good financial shape.  Report moved by Elaine P. and seconded by Marj T. Motion carried.
Correspondence: Quilters’ Yard Sale at South Berwick Community Centre on June 14th 10 -2PM. Contact Janet T. for a table. Charge for a table is a free will donation to the hall.
Library: 1) Seasonal Silhouettes by Edyta Sitar, 2) Canadian Quilter 3) Quilting Modern – Jackuie Gering, Katie Pederson 4) The Big Book of Nickel Quilts – Spethe & Thode   Bill $72.05
Committee Reports:
Retreat: all 30 seats filled
Program: Ruth P. Cathy B. have signed up to help with the Program Committee; Faye B. will continue to sit in and offer input
Social: no change
Nominations: Presidency still open. Helen A. will consider along with a co-chair. Others are asked to consider giving their time, and with a co-chair, the position may seem less daunting to some.
Old Business:  Structure of meetings, feedback welcome.
New Business:  Community resident has fabric for donation for projects or charity; will be welcomed. Also has a large quilt frame; Linda L. interested.
-          Rosemary D.A. recommended a New Members pamphlet be developed for pertinent information on the workings of the Guild
-          Vanessa A. seeking interest from members to collaborate in making Quilts of Valour; Kate M. will do a presentation re the merits of this project in the fall
-          Children’s quilts have in past always gone to the IWK. It was questioned whether VRH might be interested. New member Sarah L. who has an association with VRH will check into this possibility.
-          Centreville Quilt Show was a huge success as reported by Sharon M., with 700 people attending, 500 meals sold, and making more than last year. Sharon extended thanks to those who contributed quilts and rugs and helped with the event.
Presentation of Korean Embroidery: by Deann Mc.
Many examples of the most intricate embroidery by Dean, her teacher, encompassing the culture and costumes of Korea during her time spent there from 2000 – 2005
Show and Tell:
-          Barb L. – slab quilt Red Serendipity
-          Ruth B. – Happy Cats children’s quilt
-          Rosemary D.A. – Mixed Media winter scene; pillowcase and baby hat
-          Pat T. - crazy quilt with floral backing in purple/ green; reversible bag
-          Elaine P. – wool penny rug, a work in progress; scrappy quilt top from Faye’s W/S; blue/green French Braid top
-          Vanessa A. – crazy quilt in orange and blue
-          Heather M. – stitched picture
-          Elizabeth B. – scrappy lap quilt
-          Joanne T. – blue and cream queen quilt from quilt show with trillium quilting; red/black/ white quilt with fabric chosen by husband
-          Helen A. -small Sashiko hanging from the W/S
-          1062 inches recorded from quilts shown
Meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be on June 11th at 6PM for closing PotLuck. Bring your favourite dish, plate, utensils and mug.
Recorded by,
 Barb L.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Meeting Agenda

Town and Country Quilters’ Guild
Meeting Agenda
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Committee Reports
·         Membership
·         Library
·         Social
Program & Workshops
Old Business
New Business
·         Structure of meetings
Show and Tell
Next Meeting

Town and Country Quilters' Guild Meeting Minutes, April 9, 2014

Town and Country Quilters’ Guild
Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2014
Present:  32; guests Mary Jane M. and Joyce O.
Minutes: Approved as circulated with amendments to names Rosemary F. and Cathy B. Moved by Faye B. and seconded by Ruth P. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Our current balance is $6841.23, which mostly represents money collected for the Fall retreat. Moved by Elizabeth B. and seconded by Kim L. Motion carried.
Correspondence: Thank you note received from Valley Regional Hospital, Maternal Child’s Unit, for the quilt given to the first baby born on International Quilt Day. Mother, Jessie B., was most appreciative.
Committee Reports:
Registrar: Names, phone numbers, (no email addresses) circulated to members. Executive will have a more comprehensive list, including email addresses.
Library: Quilter’s Connection received, with articles on Modern Quilts.
Social: Sharon M. will not be offering to do the baked goods and refreshments for the meetings next year. Should anyone wish to step into this role, it would be most welcomed. There will still be tea and coffee. Thank you, Sharon.
Program and Workshops:  April 26th W/S will be changed to an open quilting day, for IWK, Challenge or UFO’s. Faye is unable to do her W/S on that day.
The Sashiko W/S will be on April 12th.
Fall Retreat – one space left. Most of the money has been collected.
Old Business: Art Hits the Wall “Presenting Myself” will be opening in 2015. Application forms with photos must be mailed between Dec.1, 2014 and Jan.31, 2015. Google Art Hits the Wall for details.
·         Challenge for this year: the standard will be a top or totally quilted piece, with no limit on the number of quilts submitted, using paint chip colours derived from initials of your name, plus one fabric of your choosing and one neutral. The other option is to complete a piece using solid colours. It was moved by Heather M. that a $25 gift certificate from Avonport Discount to be offered as a prize for each of the challenge options. Seconded by Rosemary F. Motion carried.

New Business:
·         Trish D. offered to maintain a Facebook site that would be open only to members for the dissemination of information from meetings, emails re events, guest speakers. * See discussion notes at end.
·         Executive – Ruth indicated her term is ending in June, and suggested members consider stepping forward to fill vacant positions. Faye will also need to be replaced on the Program committee. She will continue to help. A Nominating Committee will be struck to facilitate this process.
·         Replacement Iron – Faye has offered a Rowenta to the Guild. It does not have steam, nor an automatic shut-off, and was a most welcomed replacement. Thank You Faye.
·         Debbie M. - Has another opportunity for a fabric, thread, elastic giveaway if anyone needs these items. For now, we have all we need. Thank you Debbie.
·         Structure of meetings – Barb L. led a discussion re structure of our meetings and ways to reduce the time spent on the business items and increase the focus on the inspirational aspects of our meetings through Show and Tell, having the opportunity to see our quilts up close, ask questions about design and techniques, and share problem-solving ideas. We started this evening with having each quilt displayed on tables in the centre of our group.
 To this end we will:
-      Limit the business portion of the meeting to 20 minutes, maximum 30 minutes
-          If we have a guest to present a Trunk Show, we will schedule this first and the meeting will follow if we are unable to adhere to the 20 minute guideline
-          In the meetings we will highlight New Members, New Books , New Business, specific motions
-          An attachment of Calendar of Events will be appended to the minutes, and will include the program for each month, Saturday quilting days, Yearly Challenge, Special Events i.e. Dessert party, Retreats, Trunk Shows
-          A Welcome package will be developed for new members outlining the “Ins and Outs” of how we operate as a guild, most common information and mentoring opportunities
-          The minutes, agenda for the upcoming meeting, committee reports i.e. Treaurer’s Report, Calendar of Events will be posted to our blog one week before the next meeting. Correspondence from other Guilds/ groups will be posted there as well, rather than Helen having to send to us individually.
Show and Tell:
·         Debbie M. – presented her display of Demise gowns she does for the IWK; has made 50, and all are gone. Also showcased her Japanese fabrics, gowns, Obi’s, most of which were from the pre-war era, early 20’s- 30’s, all hand woven/embroidered silk, some with actual silver and 24 carat gold thread. Closed with a fabric/ Obi giveaway for 6 very lucky members. * Ruth noted a Japanese display will be held at the Kentville Museum from the end of April to August.
·         Ruth B. and Ruth P. – each presented a quilt top, Modern Traditional Sampler, from a W/S with Cheryl Arkinson (Sunday Morning Quilts) at the Pictou Retreat.
·         Rosemary F. – a reversible quilted purse
·         Linda F. – new quilting tool, a double-diamond design for borders. Mexican Stars hanging in black/white/grey with buttons and crystals. Table runner in fuschia with beads and crystals.
·         Linda M. – knitted mitts with Nordic design
·         Elizabeth B. – plastic canvas pieces; aran sweater, reworking neck x3 before fitting; patience
·         Marie A. – Black kittens with yellow accents and verses; hand appliqued
·         Cathy B. – a large “Journal” quilt with equilateral triangles of remaindered pieces with a personal reminder of time/events. Large quilt, “Shoreline”, with 70,000stitches, in ivory/ brown
·         Leah M.– completed the same quilt as Cathy in a similar palette; some patches ¾”x 1 ½”, largest 3”
·         Faye B. – visit to California to visit son, and met with a former Nova Scotian, a quilter who had come to her shop in a previous summer; out for a shopping trip to 2 quilt shops there
·         Judy L. – Thimbleberries quilt of blossoms, all hand quilted
·         Heather M. – navy shirt with hot pink applique and buttons
·         Corrine R. – Cupcakes with cherries, table centerpiece, and quilted lime jacket
·         Helen A. – panel of lighthouses, and quilt for Valour
·         Jackie T. -  Four beautifully executed landscapes; inspiration pieces for the Feb. W/S
·         Patty S.– Debbie Mum sampler quilt made for parents in 2000
·         Janet T. – blew us away with at least 11- 12 quilts, all for IWK. We knew she liked to buy fabric, and she just had to show us that she does complete her projects. All were colourful, with owls, birds, dogs, bones, charm pieces, Missouri stars, I Spy, friendship stars, petite fabrics. You had it all Janet!
·         Barbara L. – 2 slab quilts, and purse, inspired by Cheryl Arkinson, Sunday Morning Quilts; improvisational and fun.
Meeting adjourned at 10 PM. All quilts were inspirational and it was a bonus to be able to see the quilts up close.
Next meeting scheduled for May 14th at 7PM.
Recorded by, Barbara L.